
英文繪本故事 | A Fast Fox Andy Fox saw a rabbit hopping down the road.狐狸安迪看到了一隻兔子沿著路跳。"I want to hop like that rabbit," he ...
英文繪本故事 | 我喜歡我自己(I Like Myself) ————I Like Myself《我喜歡我自己》By Karen BeaumontI like myself!我喜歡我自己!I'm glad...
英文繪本故事 | 鯊魚先生的宴會(Party Shark) Mr.Shark loves parties.鯊魚先生很喜歡參加宴會。One day, he gets a card.一天,他收到了一張卡片。Dear Mr.Shark, p...
英文繪本故事 | 小狼的新家(Little Wolf's New Home) Little Wolf had a nice home in a den. 小狼在一個洞穴裏有一個很好的家。The den was warm and saf...
英文繪本故事 | 我最棒(I'm The Best) Hello, I'm Dog, and I'm the best.大家好,我是一只小狗,我是最棒的。These are my friends -- Ladybug, Mole, G...
英文繪本故事 | 小餅幹獲獎啦 Here, Biscuit. It's time for the pet show!快來,小餅幹。該去參加寵物秀了!Woof,woof!汪汪!There will be lots of pets, an...
英文繪本故事 | 隻是一隻風箏 I see a kite at the hobby store.我在休閑品商店裏看到一隻風箏。I say,"That's the one I want."我跟爸爸說:“我想要。”We take my n...
英文繪本故事 | 我想有個朋友 "He doesn't want to play with me!" wailed the Little Princess.「他不想跟我玩!」小公主要哭了。"He only does boys' stu...